Every divorce, just like every marriage, is unique and deserves to be handled with care, sensitivity, and a clear understanding of the law.

Every aspect of the relationship from asset division, to child custody, to child support, and maintenance or spousal support are like pieces of a puzzle that need to be handled strategically and with careful regard to each interlocking piece.

For all clients, Michelle C. Harrington‘s civil, principled approach is calculated to produce the maximum benefit with the minimum amount of stress. Attorney Michelle C. Harrington is a skilled trial lawyer and also a skilled negotiator who is well versed in the use of alternative ways of reaching a divorce settlement such as mediation. In fact, she achieves out-of-court settlements in a high percentage of the cases she handles not because she is not prepared for trial but because the settlement represents a more favorable and predictable resolution of the particular case.

If divorce is in your future, you need to know what you can expect under Oklahoma divorce law so you can create a strategic plan that is best calculated to help you achieve your goals. Attorney Michelle C. Harrington can advise you with confidence that comes from years of experience.

Attorney Michelle C. Harrington has outstanding knowledge of Oklahoma’s family law statutes and cases.  As an adjunct professor at Oklahoma City University School of Law she teaches courses in family law.  She is also the author of the book, Oklahoma Family Law: Direct and Cross Examination Suggested Questions, Ideas and Outlines.

Contact the law offices of Michelle C. Harrington today.